Thursday 27 May 2010

Angry phone women, the inability to cook rice and other recent mishaps.

too long. etc.
exams, done, free time, plenty.

things not to do when you have just finished exams - agree to work a very long day at a race course, decide you don't want to do it, cancel and receive the wrath of an angry woman. i wouldn't appreciate this at most times in the day but first thing in the morning made it even worse. these actions do mean i, in no way, can complain about being broke for a while as i have just turned down a day of paid labour. yawn.

on the plus of things i will forever want in the morning, was new arcade fire.

all pleasing to my ears. please them further by touring as Leeds festival is not an option. 1. because of money. 2. because it will be full of shit heads 3. because i will be on my European adventure! argh.

yes, in august i will be saying a big hello to the sights of Europe.
currently on my list of things to do,
1. run away from a restaurant without paying.

that may be it so far.

on my list of things not to do,
1. get mugged
2. get raped
3. fall in a canal
the general idea of this list is just to bad things happening.

other bad things which have occurred recently would be my 2 (failed) exams, i shall for a long time not be wanting to buy the flowers myself, as well as my recurring inability to produce rice which does not consist of stodge.
one day i shall learn this skill. and given that for a while all i had in my cupboard was rice, thus being all i ate for about a week was rice, i should really have mastered this by now.
on the culinary plus recently, my free time means i have time to cook, cheese tartlets yesterday, today i am feeling some sort of meat pie.
(not exactly weather appropriate, hiya sun, i've missed you)

Currently Wearing: nothing too excessive, recently the weather has made clothes a hassle (how i am going to cope in Europe is being to worry me - should probably add this to one of my lists)

Recent Purchases - NOTHING. I HAVE NO MONEY.

Monday 3 May 2010

Grovesner Terrace, 19.45, Sunday Night

i spot
two guys, 'modern men' in their liberal use of product and fake tan. identically styled brunette hair, flopping sige fringe, spiked back.
the uniform - plimsolls come deck shoes, one pair navy, one pair white. trousers turned up to mid shin, one pair denim skinny fit with low waist, one matt black silk harem style. two loose fitting, low + wide v-neck tops, mixed cotton one cream one navy, slightly turned up sleave to reveal a bulging tanned bicep. each in possession of a loose fitting hooded top.

i look down.

me - cream plimsolls, loose skinny jeans turned up to mid shin, sitting low on the waist, baggy low + wide v - neck mixed cotton white tee, one roll in each sleave (not to expose my bulging biceps), grey hooded top, undone, hood up.

so, apparently it took less than a year for me to become fully acclimitised to male, jesmond semi rah culture.
still on the upside, it's preferable to uggs, gilets and fake tan.

Sunday 2 May 2010

i miss yorkshire (tea)

anyone for a tea party?

that time of year again, when all i can do is procrastinate by making continual cups of tea to distract myself from the tedium of revision - yes i have started the aforementioned essay, 1600 words down and i have decided to start again. a strong whiskey may do me better right now than milky tea. if i had someone to share with that would be delightful, im currently de moulding my tea pot (sadly not as impressive as the above orange beauty). aware of the cliched quaintness of tea parties, with delicate hand painted china, triangle sandwiches and cupcakes, something like this...

i like my tea from mugs. large mugs, builder style. with grim looking stains inside and chips outside.

i'd currently be ashamed to have anyone over for a cup however, given the presence of sainsburys basics tea bags. i purchased these in a climate of extreme economic anxiety presuming that tea was tea no matter what. honestly, i don't understand why my food snobbery in other instances didn't come into play here. tea is never just tea. and this tea barely makes the grade, i should have listened to my flatmates skepticism when i produced said box from our junk/large food items cupboard. (contence includes a whipped cream dispenser and hideous vase left from the previous occupants, many many bags of potatoes and some sort of sky box)

if i were a better blogger, i guess i would understand how to embedded vidoes and other such things. no such luck here, strictly minimal amatuer attempts only but ......ignore such statements, the score now stands at polly 2 - technology 0. (the previous score having come from the momentous occasion of fixing my infected laptop with my own bare hands, like a doctor would tend to a sick child.)

as much as this advert is brilliant, and frankly featured actor could come for tea whenever he wished, twinings just cannot cut it against the superiority of yorkshire tea. my homelands do me proud. i crave a good cup yorkshire's finest.

As an end note I will forever be wishing for one of these: