Sunday 2 May 2010

i miss yorkshire (tea)

anyone for a tea party?

that time of year again, when all i can do is procrastinate by making continual cups of tea to distract myself from the tedium of revision - yes i have started the aforementioned essay, 1600 words down and i have decided to start again. a strong whiskey may do me better right now than milky tea. if i had someone to share with that would be delightful, im currently de moulding my tea pot (sadly not as impressive as the above orange beauty). aware of the cliched quaintness of tea parties, with delicate hand painted china, triangle sandwiches and cupcakes, something like this...

i like my tea from mugs. large mugs, builder style. with grim looking stains inside and chips outside.

i'd currently be ashamed to have anyone over for a cup however, given the presence of sainsburys basics tea bags. i purchased these in a climate of extreme economic anxiety presuming that tea was tea no matter what. honestly, i don't understand why my food snobbery in other instances didn't come into play here. tea is never just tea. and this tea barely makes the grade, i should have listened to my flatmates skepticism when i produced said box from our junk/large food items cupboard. (contence includes a whipped cream dispenser and hideous vase left from the previous occupants, many many bags of potatoes and some sort of sky box)

if i were a better blogger, i guess i would understand how to embedded vidoes and other such things. no such luck here, strictly minimal amatuer attempts only but ......ignore such statements, the score now stands at polly 2 - technology 0. (the previous score having come from the momentous occasion of fixing my infected laptop with my own bare hands, like a doctor would tend to a sick child.)

as much as this advert is brilliant, and frankly featured actor could come for tea whenever he wished, twinings just cannot cut it against the superiority of yorkshire tea. my homelands do me proud. i crave a good cup yorkshire's finest.

As an end note I will forever be wishing for one of these:

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