Sunday 28 March 2010

ode to a can of soup

when living in a shared house there cannot help but be issues with cleanliness. my house is the height of student slum chic. in a really awful way. washing up is an activity apparently too challenging for any of us to carry out, this leads to some strange eating habits, cereal out of a mug, stew out of the tray meant for the scales. people of course never admit to washing up being theres (honestly, i swear NONE of it is mine!) but there is a tell tale trace that leads dirty plates back to my door. orange soup stains.

i simply cannot get enough heinz tomato soup in and more often than not around my mouth. yes, it is a frighteningly unnatural colour for food, yes a whole can in one go does make me feel slightly nauseous (i have MAJOR beef with whoever designed the standard can size. this issue also involves my current love of baked beans.) and yes, im aware its sickly smell permeates through the whole of my house much to my flatmates disgust (not so much soup fans). but it is my one and only, tried and tested hangover cure. perhaps not so much cure, but the only thing i can and want to stomach after one my own special brand of gut wrenching, head-in-vice type hangovers where i truly feel sometimes the world is torturing me and it is enjoying doing so. i get horrendous hangovers. the actual worst. heniz tomato soup is my one saviour, and for that, i thank them.
but it is quite apparent thats it's my dirty mess that is left to congeal on the coffee table, a sign to each of my housemates that i am 1. suffering profusely and 2.will no doubt complain about it to them in a bid to aquire pity for my own disgustingly self inflicted situation. and that washing up, is frankly as likely as me sticking to the vow of 'only going out for quiet drinks'. the forever present silver lining i find in these situations is that i know just how much i will enjoy my creamy liquid dinner.

Currently Listening to: Foals - This Orient. I think i have just listened to this song for the 10th time in a row. a more mature sound than Antidotes, and progressive in it's sense of arrangement. i like. 'it's your heart that gives you, this western feeling'.

Currently Dreading: the return of monday morning. filing and losing an hours sleep.

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