Thursday 25 March 2010

pockets full of paperclips

when often considering fashion, i rarely like to think of its practical side. this i have come to realise, is a mistake in my current situation. today, i wore a pleasant mix of countryside folk chic, with brown workman boots, a twee plaid navy check skirt and simple black v neck jumper. an unremarkable outfit. the issue however lied in the mere fact of the lack of pockets i possessed. and no pockets meant no where to keep things (paper clips, irritating scraps of sticky paper, my mind because i obviously wasn't using it to do filing), funny that. a second unpractical fact is the existence of the clothes themselves when i was having to work somewhere hotter than the sun. really, even a thin jumper is unbearable at times. tights become a friend of the devil, creating a clammy second skin to encase my aching calves. the idea of scrubs has never been so appealing.

this got me thinking, that when it comes to fashion, if it's are only wanted for there practical necessity, does this mean they simply become clothes again? i see people wearing there hideous nhs regulation shoes, and wonder if that can really be consituted fashion, when in reality it is merely moulded plastic. i would love to say i never consider the practicality of the clothes i buy, but this would simply be a lie. i am forced into this against my will, well perhaps on the will of my bank manager and who ever it is who controls my overdraft limit. In topshop recently i was confronted by a very attractive cream silk (or imitation silk knowning topshop) smock shirt with a bow neck. attractive to say the least. for circa 50 pounds i had however to assess the situation.

1. where would i wear something that was cream.

2. what is the likelyhood of me spilling something on said cream top.

3. when something is more than 50% see-thru where is it socially acceptable to wear it?

the above 3 criteria instantaneously made my possible purchase void. i may be somewhat idiotic at times, but i am aware i am enough of a klutz to ruin that top within an hour of wearing it, and probably expose myself while doing so. this would consitute a social fail.

it would seem i should in the future, the only length my practical conceptions of fashion will reach is to take into account my desperate need for pockets. and my need to stay within my overdraft limit. in my head both as important as each other.

Currently eating: anything with gravy, i am currently under the influences of cravings for home comfort food.

Currently doing: working, eating, sleeping. repeat.

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