Thursday 29 April 2010

precise pastles

not a fan of watches, i still can't fail to be attracted by these cute baby coloured digital time pieces, oasis for £15. my fave being the nude pink.
combining two of the main looks for this season, pastle shades and sophisticated sports wear, it's hardly a bank breaking accessory. i'll be wearing mine with polo shirts and white pumps.

Tuesday 27 April 2010

comfort food

normally something i associate with the colder months given their truely heart breaking cruetly at lowering my morale, i was unable to resist a lazy comfort fueled dinner tonight as my mood has been erratic of late to say the least. i'd say this mood has a direct correlation towards the impending exams and deadlines that are approaching, and my current vastly empty future.

the remedy, breaded fish, mash potato and beans. i think beans must be the essential factor here, as they really form an essential part of any of my quick-and-easy comfort meals, for example jacket potatoe and beans, beans on toast...okey that's it but i guess i don't eat very much comfort food apart from the previously mentioned fetish for heniz tomato soup.
come to think about it, i must be one of the main factors keeping heinz in business, given that both my favourite lazy foods are produced by them. if i were to suddenly turn my life around, have a revelation and be content with existence then there sales would be sure to take a massive turn for the worst.
as this is unlikely to happen any time soon, heniz can sleep peacefully in their beds at night knowing their vast empire of canned goods isn't going to fall to its knees any time soon.

shopping again today. sales so thats acceptable.
pastle pink and brown polka dot dress made out of some fabric akin to cheap 70s swimwear. (not sure i'm selling this purchase well.) floral satin bra with lace trim. fit.

what im currently doing:
1.overheating, the sun is out, my house is not acustomed to this rare occurence.
2. spending far too much time inside mr robinson. the library,not an old man.
3. not writing my essay, trainspotting can wait for another day, choose life and all that.

Thursday 22 April 2010

topshop and treading water.

I have once again returned to my more favoured climate, and life has resumed its more natural routine of missed lectures, afternoon pints, far too many trips to topshop and general inactivity inbetween in my blissful double bed. all of this i approve of heavily.

what i do not approve of is not having any shitting money, the inability to adaquately look after myself, and not enough coathangers. is this really going to be the bane of my life forever?
i arrived with my summer wardrobe packed away, cue prim and proper for this season, (currently sporting as i write this, a polo with a hair waisted a line pleated pink skirt, and vintage grey cardi.) my problems arise when i try and store away these lovely items. i just don't have room for any more clothes.
this problem could be solved in numerous ways, each of which i have deliberated.
1. throw away some of my clothes.
2. stop buying clothes i don't need and can't afford.
3. triple hang every item in my wardrobe.

clearly, and sensibly, i went for the latter option. and then followed this by buying more clothes.
the latest purchases are however, of course, very necessary including an acid wash blue body, white slip on pumps which haven't left my feet since i bought them, white and black peep toe flats with a bow, and a black and white cardigan chanel style front with bow. very prim, very proper. i obviously have a monochrome thing going on.
i guess if i were a proper blogger and not without my self concious hangups i would take pictures of myself modeling said clothes, but the previous two statements mustn't be true because i cannot bring myself to do this.

here however is something much more interesting, coathanger art. what i could do if only i had this many.

Currently listening to: High Violet the sublime new album from the National. debateably better than alligator or boxer, but then i side with boxer on the prestanding debate so it's all up in the air now.

Currently doing: all the work i have been denying i have looming over me, but really when did work consist of watching trainspotting and this is england. the essay is not going well. my snack consumption however is at an all time high.

Friday 16 April 2010

we went to manchester and it was nice.

I sometimes wonder how my life would have been different if i had put a 1 instead of a 2 in the little box next to Manchester University on my ucas application. that tiny little mark on a page effecting the next three years of my life, if not my whole future. Would I have found love in laundrette's in fallowfield rather than admiration amongst the ancient arches that give Newcastle's campus its traditional red brick feel? my nights out in 5th ave and Sankeys, sweaty affairs no doubt fueled from the Glens wouldn't really be that far apart from Stone Love and Cosmic?
the voyage into the great unknown for me were not pastures so new if i had ventured westwards to discover myself between the sheets - of both books and beds. a city i had some bearing of, i prefered to take the road less travelled, (and apparently the phrase most used) and headed North and have never looked back (down the A1).
But, luckily, manchester is not all but a distant memory given my good friend Emily's inhabitance there meaning i have bed and board whenever i so wish. and we did wish. a holiday to sunnier climates was called for to say farewell to our easter break. the enticement of Laura Marling in the Lowry was also too much to turn down, alongside the vegetarian delights which would be offered to me (cheese, tomato sauce, pasta, (burnt) onion - hmm.) i joke, vegetarian food can suck my proverbial balls.

Number One Manchester delight (aside from emily herself of course) - The Northern Quarter.
how many second hand clothes shops can you fit into a square mile?
a lot.
no, i am not carrying on the tedious theme of awful jokes, but honestly i didn't realise there were enough dead old people in the north west with wardrobes stuffed with relics from the 1930s onwards for kids to buy so they too could look like old people from the 1930s. there are a lot of vintage shops.
i have no money
= torturous situation.
basic shopping math there.
whilst vintage shops were ruling this area of the high street, the quirky cafes were not to be ignored either, a pound cup of tea from what has to surely have been the most handsome bearded cafe worker in the surrounding 50 mile area enjoyed on a sun bathed pavement brought a bit of munich to milan on this monday afternoon. or, like somewhere else dead cultural like. Oklahoma cafe. nice shop too.
again shame i couldn't buy anything- this is definately a developing theme in my life right now.

Second Manchester Delight - Trofs Special Lager.
I regarded my closing and only pint of the night with a suspicious glance, 'special lager you say, and why is it, *cough* special?'
Trofs is a quaint bar on a side street off the main fallowfield parade of take aways and drinking emporiums, with wooden decked walls, an enclosed balcony smoking area and quirky decoration, it's safe to say it is a student favourite. as is there special lager/cider - an unknown liquid sold at 2.50 (hardly that cheap by newcastle standards). the taste is debateable, the source is probabaly more so.

Lessons learnt - don't let certain friends try and organise public transport. don't get off the tram 2 stops before you are meant to. twice.

Wednesday 14 April 2010

Big brothers have more use than beating up school bullies.

not that mine ever did this for me, he was my sole tormentor during our childhood years. and, it's true, kids are cruel, sibiligs crueler. After countless trips to A&E suffered at his hand, he is now making it up to me by rewriting my cv and making me sound vaugely employable. just a pity i had already emailed my awful cv to just about every person I could think of, massive fml but nothing can be done now unfortunately.

as the days draw to a close on my easter employment, I am increasingly looking toward summer and thinking ' shit the likelyhood of working here again is well, really really likely'. another fml. it would perhaps give me vast opportunity to practice my 'smartcasual' work look however.
'smart-cas' as im sure those in the know call it, seems to me a ludicrous statement. it says, please both be smart and casual at the same time. sorry, WHAT? you want me to dress it two opposite ways at the same time. right. i apologise but woman to my sadness, can only wear so many clothes at the same time, and as great as conceptual fashion is, i don't really feel this is the appropriate place to be experimenting with dual use clothes. DO YOU? tomorrow, i may rock up wearing shorts with an optional tail coat for those smarter occasions. or heels made from pencils, from when i need to take down all my important 'business' notes.
ha. i just laughed to myself at the mere conception of me having important business notes.

The end of the working day does also mean an end to my packed lunches, a novelty from the age of 6 that hasn't ceased just yet. except now the creation powers are all mine, smoked salmon and cream cheese with salad today. the side orders now wain however, crisps, chocolate are out. apples and bananas are in in in and around my mouth. diet fail today with a plethora of cheese on offer in my fridge, which would be to the delight of my friends who are currently all suffering from the quite bizarre craze of continually telling cheese themed jokes. and let me tell you, there is nothing cheesy about these jokes, they are just utterly terrible, cringingly awful.

The latest awful one: why did the cheese do worse than everyone else in her exams? she red-less-duh


Currently listening to: Goldfrapp - very 80s, very madonna. i don't think either of these things are bad.
Currently looking forward to: NCL. I have missed you too much.

Sunday 11 April 2010

too little time to say too much.

after just perusing the sunday papers, my morning tradition with 2 slices of marmite and butter and a steaming cup of tea, I came upon endless articles which i had an opinion to write upon - the over thinking of image, re-emergence of the full english breakfast, tailored trousers and rolled up bottoms as well as the saturation of party politics in the coming month of decision. I also came to the realisation there were endless journalists in stock to write these flicked over colunms in obscure supplements. so, in later life, if i'm lucky, i shall be able to consign myself to being one amongst many in the infinite stock of struggling journalists.

To my previous topics in hand I had meant to be writing about, to begin with i bring you the curse of the dodgy £8.95 steak. without appearing libelous, i have some certainty that steak of said price and quality has brought me to my knees over the last few days, gasping for breath whilst i clutch the white porceline of my bathroom sink. food posioning. the absolute horror of it i had yet to experience before, and i hope never again. all food sold at these good-value prices i am sure, and know from experience does not result in stomach churning hell, but where very rare meat is concerned I now know that paying a premium is for the best.
Which brings me onto the other end of the food spectrum and the visual delight that was the final of masterchef. the idea of food as art never having been more appropriate than in the three 3 michelin stared restaurants they got to serve at. holy moly, i don't think my eyes have ever laid their sights on food so exquiste.

this was never more the case that the culinary spectacles offered at De Librije, on first glance i wouldn't even have recognised this as food. if sometimes i think a lindt bunny looks too cute to eat, i have no idea who would win in a fight between my stomach and my eyes in this case.

I'm not even 100% sure what this meal is, something with very delicately shaped prawns, or crab. watching the creation process gives a whole other meaning to the term merticulous cooking.

With all this fantising about food and its luxurious possibilties, it was reassuring to be reminded semi-recently about the allowance for this in fashion.

Who said reality sucked?

definately not Prada's recent ready to wear fall '10 lines, thats for sure. real figures. women who looked real. on a runway. refreshing somewhat after all these years of homogeneous blondes with slightly gappy teeth and scary bone structures. the clothes were an absolute triumph as well, again real clothes for women with breasts and hips, that preppy look sculpted from tweed and the new demure longer skirt lengtht

image from

In the mean time however, i won't be eating or wearing clothes like this as i am fully resigned to a weekend in my bed, an application form or two my only escape from sick-induced boredom. and to make matters worse, it is g-l-o-r-i-o-u-s outside, i can hear the birds tweeting, for once it really feels like spring, and i want to find my walking boots and hike.

Friday 2 April 2010

tzatziz induced insomnia.

i'm hungry. and when i'm hungry i cannot sleep. i know there is a pot of my favourite greek dip down stairs and i am just longing to go and eat it with a toasted pitta. perhaps not food appropriate at 1 in the morning. so i am restricting myself to bed and to keeping to my diet.

why is it that sometimes the simplest foods are the best? yoghurt, mint, cumcumber, garlic and hello beautiful partner for a variety of dishes. same as you can't beat a sunday roast. as it is easter sunday this weekend, i am hoping for a little baby lamb to be served up on my plate. probably my favourite meat, one because when alive it is the cutest, when dead it is the tastiest.

to this

the latter picture is honestly the more appealing to me. combined with some rosemary and garlic, some crispy roast potatoes, carmalised parsnip and lashings of gravy (still haven't got over my current obsession) and i would be happier than if the easter bunny brought me the CEO of thorntons instead of their mediocre chocolate products (also have a bit of an obbsession for rich men at the moment apparently).

With fashion, it is also true a lot of the time that the simplest outfits can be the most effective. yes its all well and good for high concept fashion, and the this-outfit-took-three-days-to-plan-look so i could fully utilise my quirky eccentricities, but really theres nothing wrong with an american apparel jersey skirt, white t-shirt and a pair of tennis shoes. hiya comfort, your my favourite.

speaking of american apparel, i heard on the grapevine that they are set to open a store in leeds. i have already resigned myself to the fact i shall never have money again. but a fully stocked range of american sportswear. you win some you lose some.

Currently watching - 90210. hmmm. this doesn't sound right. when was it i lost my mind and my taste?

Currently eating - Nothing! but awaiting a bacon and cream cheese bagel for breakfast. i'll just imagine its new york outside my door instead of a dreary rain soaked yorkshire.