Tuesday 27 April 2010

comfort food

normally something i associate with the colder months given their truely heart breaking cruetly at lowering my morale, i was unable to resist a lazy comfort fueled dinner tonight as my mood has been erratic of late to say the least. i'd say this mood has a direct correlation towards the impending exams and deadlines that are approaching, and my current vastly empty future.

the remedy, breaded fish, mash potato and beans. i think beans must be the essential factor here, as they really form an essential part of any of my quick-and-easy comfort meals, for example jacket potatoe and beans, beans on toast...okey that's it but i guess i don't eat very much comfort food apart from the previously mentioned fetish for heniz tomato soup.
come to think about it, i must be one of the main factors keeping heinz in business, given that both my favourite lazy foods are produced by them. if i were to suddenly turn my life around, have a revelation and be content with existence then there sales would be sure to take a massive turn for the worst.
as this is unlikely to happen any time soon, heniz can sleep peacefully in their beds at night knowing their vast empire of canned goods isn't going to fall to its knees any time soon.

shopping again today. sales so thats acceptable.
pastle pink and brown polka dot dress made out of some fabric akin to cheap 70s swimwear. (not sure i'm selling this purchase well.) floral satin bra with lace trim. fit.

what im currently doing:
1.overheating, the sun is out, my house is not acustomed to this rare occurence.
2. spending far too much time inside mr robinson. the library,not an old man.
3. not writing my essay, still.not.writing.my.essay. trainspotting can wait for another day, choose life and all that.

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